Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day!

This year’s Pi Day is extra special. On March 14th 2015, at precisely 9:26:54 we get the chance to experience Pi Time go into infinity! Just in case you still don’t get it… (3/14/15 9:26:54) equals 3.141592654.  We are most likely not going to be around for 2115 for this next marvelous event to happen.

Pi Day is wonderful excuse for nerds to make funny math jokes and an interesting holiday. Pi Day is celebrated in many different ways from eating a pie, throwing a pie, or calculating pi. Some schools even hold competitions to which student can recall pi to the highest decimal place. 

Pi has been around for about 4000 years. The first calculations of pi was done by Archimedes and continued onwards with the ancient Babylonians calculating the areas of a circle by taking the value of pi to 3. The Egyptians continued to calculate the area of the circle even further to 3.106

Even though pi has been around for centuries, mathematicians only first began using the Greek letter pi (π) in the 1700s.

Happy Pi Day Everybody! 

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